Illness Policy

If symptoms of contagious or infectious disease develop while the child is in our care, the child’s parent will be notified to come pick up their child.
To keep in compliance with guidelines set from state licensing, it is MANDATORY for your child as well as their classmates to follow this policy.

Policy for fever as required by State Regulations:
If a child has a fever of 100° F or higher the child will be sent home and cannot come back until the fever is resolved (no less than 24 hours) or cleared by a physician. Even when a child is teething, we will need a doctor’s note (fax) to return to school.

Policy for diarrhea as required by State Regulations:
If a child has two or more loose stools (diarrhea) or over and above what is normal for the child, the child will be sent home and the child must be diarrhea free for 24 hours before they can return to the preschool.

Policy for vomiting as required by State Regulations:
Any child with a sudden onset of vomiting with irritability or excessive sleepiness shall be picked up as soon as possible. A doctor’s note will be required to return back to the preschool.

Policy for eye secretions (such as pink eye) or an unexplained rash as required by State Regulations:
Child must be picked up as soon as possible and have a doctor’s note stating when your child can return back to the preschool.

Policy for head lice as required by State Regulations:
Child may return the next day after hair is treated for lice and nit free.

© 2017 Family Christian Academy and Preschool | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY POLICY