Discipline Policy

Reasonable limits are set and explained to the children (e.g. “Keep the material on the tables. The pieces will get lost on the floor.” “Walk in the classroom. You will not bump into the furniture.”).

Respect children’s feelings. Help children express emotion in acceptable ways. (e.g. One child says to another, “I don’t want you to knock down the blocks”, rather than hit or push in retaliation)

Adults model appropriate behavior. Under no circumstance is corporal punishment (spanking of any kind) allowed even if a parent says that they approve of it (see #14).

Prepare a safe, interesting, developmentally appropriate environment. Allowing a child to choose a center that interests him/her discourages unacceptable behavior.

Offer two acceptable choices (e.g. “Would you like to paint a picture or build with blocks?”).

Look for positive behavior and make a comment (e.g. Thank you for putting the puzzles back on the shelf.”).

When a child becomes angry or refuses to cooperate with others, he/she will be separated from the group. This could be by going into another part of the room or going into another room with an adult at group time.

Refrain from visiting with other adults while in the classroom. The classroom is the child’s world and the child is the focus of the activity in the classroom.

Refrain from discussing a child in his/her presence.

Encourage children to leave play guns, action figures, and toys associated with violent behavior at home.

Avoid labeling (positive or negative) or shaming a child.

Tickling and throwing children up on the air are not appropriate to our goal of child-led play within a safe, secure environment.

Give guidance as needed but try not to interfere with the child’s activity.

No child shall be subject to physical punishment, corporal punishment, verbal abuse, or threats by staff, volunteers, or parents while in the preschool. We ask that parents/legal guardians do not use corporal punishment on your child while on the preschool premises. We believe that this is a private matter and should be handled at home.

No child or group of children shall be allowed to discipline another child.

Unsupervised isolation of a child is never allowed.

Withholding of food, water, a nap or rest, or bathroom facilities is never to be used a punishment for a child.

Time out may be used, but a child is never to be left in time out longer then their age.

An adult shall never address a child harshly, with intimidation or ridicule.

Any suspected abuse and/or neglect of a child must be reported in accordance with Louisiana law.

State expectations positively. For example:
Rather than saying:
Don’t throw the blocks.
Don’t throw the sand.
Don’t drip paint on the floor.
Don’t play with the stick.

The blocks are for building.
Dig in the sand
Wipe your brush in the jar.
Throw the stick over the fence.

We here at Family Christian Academy Preschool do not administer Corporal Punishment to our students. We ask that you abide to our policy and not administer corporal Punishment to your child while you are on this property. The goal of Christian discipline is the acquisition of self-discipline. When children are given an encouraging environment with clear, understandable parameters, they learn to manage their behavior wisely. Godly discipline involves making wise choices. As young children experience the rewards of positive behavior, they are able to take full advantage of their learning environment.)
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